Friday, October 18, 2024


Leadership Qualities

Leadership is defined as the action of leading a group of people or an organization.

There are many Leadership Qualities some of these are inherent and natural or others may be learned or self taught by oneself.

  • Energy. This person has drive and works hard and likes it.
  • Drive. This person is driven by goals and achievement and will do whatever it takes to make it happen and therefore be a success.
  • Sacrifice. Drive occasionally demands that tough choices be made of themselves. A good leader willingly accepts the challenge.
  • Likeability. It is a fine line between being liked or not liked. A good leader needs to avoid unfairly being taken advantage of while remaining in charge of those they lead.
  • Intelligence. Being smart is important for a leader but they shouldn’t laud their intellect over those they lead. That is a recipe for failure.
  • Integrity. Is perhaps one of the, if not, the most important of the Leadership Qualities. Simply put if a leader cannot be trusted how can they lead?

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one that does the greatest things. He or she is the one that gets the greatest things out of the people they lead.” -- Ronald Reagan

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Friday, October 11, 2024



He is justifiably recognized as one of the greatest Presidents to lead our great nation. His leadership throughout the Civil War was praised and conversely ridiculed by many. Ultimately the majority of those that demeaned him came full circle.

One such person that came full circle was Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War. He hurled stinging insults at the President. Lincoln overlooked his demeaning remarks, he felt that Stanton was the right person for the job and treated him courteously and respectfully.

Lincoln wasn’t being weak or foolish. He simply refused to let his pride interfere with his judgment and leadership. A common trait of successful people is the ability to overlook slights when necessary. Even Lincoln’s harshest critics eventually recognized his greatness.

On the night Lincoln was shot, one such person declared, “There lies the greatest ruler of men the world has ever seen.” The speaker was Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.

The next time we are faced with an irate customer or an upset employee, we should remember how Lincoln bore Stanton’s and others abuse. We should ask ourselves this: “Will I let a rude or irate person upset me and interfere with my ability to do my job?” By adopting and practicing an attitude of patience and courtesy, we can develop the tolerance and leadership needed to become a successful leader of our Company.

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Friday, October 04, 2024



Loyalty is defined as the quality of being loyal. Sounds fairly simple and straightforward.

Many people usually think of loyalty as it is related to Customers. Customer Loyalty is obviously important and it is paramount to the success of a Company. However, there is another loyalty that is also important. The loyalty between employees and their Company is a two way street and brings to mind the “chicken or the egg” axiom.

Employers should expect allegiance and dedication from their employees. This will allow the employer the comfort of knowing employees will do and say the right thing. However, this allegiance must be earned. Simple things matter like an inquiry regarding an employee’s family or supporting an employee in a controversy will help build that allegiance. Are the employees “selling” the Company when they are not on the job? If they are not, then perhaps they are unaware of the vision of the Company. Exhibiting that the Company intends to grow, thereby giving employees an opportunity for advancement and a career with the Company is a demonstrative way of building that loyalty.

If a Company displays loyalty to their employees then it follows that their employees will display loyalty to the Company.

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Friday, September 27, 2024



There are many reasons consumers make their buying decision. Among them are a Company’s name recognition and reputation. Whether you are a long time established business or just getting started, you can assist the process of being recognized (Famous).

Create a “uniqueness” about your Company. Do you have a special product or service you offer? Do you have a signature item or a logo that identifies your Company? Anything that sets you apart from your competition should be strategically promoted and marketed.

People love information. A consumer “hotline” could be set up on your website listing upcoming events and topics relevant to the area. Offer to appear on area radio or television “talk” shows. Many of these shows are always looking for credible guests. By offering your expertise in the care and maintenance of carpets, furniture and other services you may provide, you will become “the expert” in your market. These shows would provide a platform to be Famous through increased exposure and the opportunity to talk to potential customers.

Do not shy away or be afraid of this type of exposure. You are an expert in your field and can turn that expertise into a marketing “goldmine” and the opportunity to be Famous.

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Friday, September 20, 2024



The last few years have been, to say the least, difficult. While COVID is still in our everyday lives, it is not the “monster” that brought our country to a near standstill. The economy is still in turmoil as prices for the essentials including energy, food, utilities and housing continue to rise. Insurance is increasing at a rate 15-20% per year. Taxes and fees on mobile phones and land lines have increased. There are other examples too numerous to list. Granted there is always inflation but these past years increases have been at historical rates.

The sum and substance of these increases is that it obviously costs businesses more to operate than it did in subsequent years. So what has and what will beyond these increases cause some Companies to survive and others to fail? The answer is Good Service or more aptly put Bad Service.

Service is derived from the word “serve” and generally defined as the action of helping or doing work for someone. Depending on the industry providing Good Service for someone may entail some or all of the following elements.

  • Showing up on time to do the work.
  • Performing the work at hand quickly and efficiently.
  • Possessing a polite and pleasing attitude.
  • Quickly and satisfactorily resolving any issues or complaints.

The antithesis of Good Service is obviously Bad Service. Sadly, some businesses are oblivious to the fact they are rendering Bad Service.

  • Leaving customers on hold for extended periods.
  • Not returning phone calls or e-mails promptly if at all.
  • A lackadaisical or flippant attitude towards customers initial needs.
  • Slow response time to customers problems or questions.

A Company may believe they are providing Good Service. That said, they should continually monitor their Company to prevent inadvertently providing Bad Service.

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Friday, September 13, 2024



It is very important to maintain contact with the customers in your data basis. While seeming to be obvious to most, it is staggering the number of Companies that fail to do just that. It costs in advertising dollars to obtain a customer the first time but when there are subsequent service trips the advertising cost is eliminated thus making the return trips more profitable

There should be contact with customers at the very minimum on an annual basis. They may not require your services at that time but the importance of keeping your name in front of them is the side benefit of the contact and should not be overlooked.

This contact may be made in a variety of ways:

  • Via phone. The least palatable in our opinion and bordering on invasive. We all receive spam calls every day on a variety of topics, scams, etc. Don’t let the contact of your customer fall into that category.
  • Via text. Permission should be received from the customer for contact in this manner. This method is suitable for the day of a service appointment but may not fall into the category of acceptable for any other reason on any other occasion.
  • Via “snail mail”. Yes, companies still mail literature to their customers. With this approach, you are putting a tangible piece of sales literature into their hands. An enticement of a promotional discount may produce immediate results.
  • Via E-mail. While certainly cost effective, this method is also akin to phone and text contact. Customers should be asked if contact by e-mail is acceptable. Additionally, there should be a method for the customer to unsubscribe if they do not wish to receive further e-mails.

Respect the privacy of your customer and contact them with their privacy in mind.

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Friday, September 06, 2024



Correspondence, communications and messages come in many forms including text messages, e-mails, “tweets”, Facebook posts just to name a few. While these may be appropriate for personal contact they should not be deemed suitable for business correspondence.

As business professionals there are times when we need to send correspondence to a customer or prospective client. This may be necessary as a follow up, a proposal or dealing with a problem or other issue. Writing letters may or may not come naturally to people. In fact, some view the possibility with extreme dread.

We often times expend many hours a week on the phone talking to customers about various issues. So, if you find talking on the phone fairly easy, why not transfer your phone techniques and etiquette into a letter?

The reason for a letter may exist for a variety of reasons. Is it an apology? Is it an answer to a question or multiple questions? Is it a followup to a proposal? Whatever the purpose of the letter, there should be an opening salutation addressing the person to whom the letter is intended and the reason for the letter. The body of the letter should then address the subject matter of the letter. If there was a problem or issue, then a solution should be outlined with all the necessary and pertinent information and a time line for completion. Avoid being vindictive or assessing blame even though that is quite the popular trend these days.

Whatever the purpose of the letter is, the information and the response should be kept as simple as possible avoiding any unnecessary words or descriptions.

Normally in correspondence, the more said may be too much and the less said may be just the right amount.

The correspondence should be proofed, thus allowing for the correction of any spelling or grammatical errors. Additionally, all correspondence should be reviewed and scrutinized before sending.

Finally address and send the correspondence via “snail mail” as this will add that personal touch for the recipient.

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Friday, August 30, 2024


Labor Day

Labor Day will be celebrated Monday September 2nd. It is a holiday which honors the American worker, who has added to the prosperity and well being of our country. We as Carpet Cleaners are the embodiment of this classification and as entrepreneurs expand it even further. Small businesses have been and will always be the economic backbone of our country.

In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day an official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday in 1894, thirty states officially celebrated it.

Labor Day has been labeled the “unofficial end of summer” because it marks the end of the cultural summer season. It is traditional for parades, picnics, family reunions and other activities to be held in communities all across the country. Many fall events also begin at this time.

During the Labor Day weekend, the NCAA will play a full slate of football games. The NFL traditionally plays their kickoff game the Thursday after Labor Day. The Cook Out Southern 500 NASCAR auto race is held at Darlington Raceway in Darlington, South Carolina. At Indianapolis Raceway Park, the NHRA hold their finals for the U.S. National Drag races. It is also the midway point between weeks one and two of the U.S. Open Tennis Championships held in Flushing Meadow, NY.

Once again, there are a plethora of National, State and Local activities that take place Labor Day Weekend. Wherever you are, whoever you are, with take time to acknowledge yourselves and the hard work you do and the fact that our small businesses are the economic strength of our country.

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Friday, August 23, 2024



Attitude is often defined as a mental state involving beliefs, feelings, values and the dispositions necessary to act in certain ways. What kind of attitude do you possess? Is it a positive or negative viewpoint? Is the glass half empty or half full? The attitude we exhibit not only affects ourselves but it also impacts our employees and ultimately our customers.

If, for example, we regard ourselves as winners then that perception will be passed forward to all of those we interact with on a daily basis. Projecting a winning attitude to our employees emboldens them with that same feeling. Which should then be reflected in the behavior and mannerisms that they project to the customer.

Normally nobody perceives themselves as possessing a losing or negative attitude. But unfortunately many people project bad vibes. They may walk with their head down or have slumped shoulders exhibiting a defeatist persona. Therefore, one should be careful of their actions and mannerisms as they may become a reflection of them as a whole. An outside appearance may also determine an inner personality

Some people naturally exhibit a winning attitude, they walk and talk with an air of confidence. For others it can become a learned quality. Whether learned or natural, a winning attitude will be a huge benefit personally and in the success of a business and in the end the profits it generates.

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Friday, August 16, 2024


What You Say

Commercial Contracts can be hard to get but certainly worth the effort. Success in the commercial cleaning market often depends on the following:


   It may take several attempts to secure an appointment to bid on an account. Don't become discouraged.


   Be prepared to discuss the features and benefits of contracting with your Company. Including your technical and market knowledge and experience in the business. Talk about contracts you already have and if those clients are agreeable have the current prospect contact them for a referral.


   Nothing trumps showing what you can do. Offer to clean an area which will exhibit the abilities you have.


   Very rarely will a Commercial contact say “yes” on the first visit. If needed ask to set a follow-up visit to further discuss your proposal.

While you may have to work for less then you normally do the Income for these contracts will add up because of the frequency of service.

Which will ultimately add additional Profit and further Success for your Company.

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Friday, August 09, 2024


What You Say

It’s not what you say...It’s how you say it. So therefore, it’s always wise to Be Careful What You Say.

You have a regular customer who needs service quickly and you have no appointments available. You offer to get back with them and “work them in”. Using those words may lead them to think that they will get a rushed job. So it’s better to say “let me see what I can do and I will get back with you quickly”,

As circumstances have it, an appointment opens up. You call the waiting customer and say, “We had a cancellation”; this may conjure up a negative thought of why did someone cancel. A better way to say it is “We had a rescheduling and we can provide you service tomorrow. Will that be convenient?”

A potentially new customer calls and needs service. You tell them we are “booked up”. It may present an image of a company that is in demand or is disorganized or small. A better approach is to say “we are scheduling appointments for a week from today”, would that be convenient?”

There are circumstances such as night, weekend or other parameters that may influence whether a Company schedules an appointment. Certainly every Company has their standard operating parameters of which they are certainly entitled to have. If you decide a certain job does not fit your operating parameters then Be Careful What You Say when declining the job. Don’t say “we can’t do your job; instead say “I am sorry we are unable to accommodate you as we are unable to meet the requirements of the job at this time”. You should only offer an explanation why, if queried. The reason(s) may be multiple but could be different for another customer. What if the potential customer calling is known to be cheap, slow pay or overly demanding, in fairness who wants to work for someone like that? You may be tempted to tell them the reason why but professionally speaking that is not a good idea.

Having your own reputation to safe guard then in any circumstance, Be Careful What You Say.

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Friday, August 02, 2024



Goals don’t have to be big or elaborate. They come in different sizes and expectations. It doesn’t hurt to list Goals in a practical time frame. For example Daily, Weekly, Monthly and beyond. Set aside a few minutes each day to write down what you expect to accomplish that day. Don’t make too large a list as it’s probably a good chance not all the Goals will be achieved. The idea is to make a manageable and practical list. After all, you have a full day’s work ahead of you which of course is one of your Goals. You want to be able at the end of the day to review your list and check off what’s been done and what is still to do, if applicable. Not completing all your Goals should not be considered underachieving unless the list never gets completed. You want to be feel good about what you have accomplished, while not fretting about what might still need to be done.

As the attainment of the set Goals increases, then it’s only natural to have more confidence and belief in our abilities.

Therefore Goals should be:

  • Planned
  • Timely
  • Allow for Due Diligence
  • Enhance Self-Motivation
  • Be Flexible
  • Be manageable in size and scope

All Goals start with a first step. We should not linger or avoid taking that step.

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Cleaning For Health

Carpet being cleaned

The job of cleaning professionals when working indoors should be to understand and use environmentally sound methods. All technical knowledge and training is of the utmost importance when Cleaning For Health.

Professional Cleaners should always be aware of potential health issues in an indoor environment. Whether commercially or residentially, all environmental management that falls under the auspices of cleaning require proper techniques and products to insure the required results.

Understanding these potential health issues let Professional Cleaners define and market the services that they offer and set corresponding rate structures. Advertising programs should be designed to promote Cleaning For Health and the inherent benefits. The Company that emphasizes Cleaning For Health will be in higher demand than those that just clean for the sake of cleaning.

Knowledge is power and it is possible that Cleaning For Health may require extra work and expense. However, it will open opportunities that will set a Company above its competitors. These opportunities will generate more income which will lead to higher profits.

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Friday, July 19, 2024



Acres of Diamonds is the title of a book published over 70 years ago. It is also a phrase used by many motivational speakers to talk about people who go looking for riches (new business). All the while overlooking the potential riches (business) in their own back yard (their existing customers).

Many businesses focus so hard on attracting new customers that they overlook their existing customers. New customers are certainly important for the growth of a business but existing customers are just as important, possibly even more so because they make a business “healthier”. Anyone familiar with advertising knows that first time customers absorb a certain percentage of a Company’s’ operating budget. However, working for a repeat customer actually “saves” the advertising expense for that customer. Therefore making work done for that customer more profitable.

Previous customer records are not just customers, they are potential testimonials to be used in advertising promotions. They are also a source of repeat business and referrals because they are satisfied with the service they have previously received. As is the case with repeat customers, those customers referred do not “cost” anything in advertising expense which makes them also more profitable. Regarding customers who provide referrals, a way to say “thank you” is by offering them a Gift Service Certificate redeemable at their next appointment. They will appreciate the fact they have been acknowledged and it should naturally lead to more referrals.

Contact existing customers via direct mail or e-mails.This is not only a chance to “stay in touch” but remind them of all the services you offer. Another reason to “stay in touch” is that people are busy and unfortunately may forget who provided them service in the past even though they were satisfied.

If they are “mined” properly, existing customers will become the Acres of Diamonds in our own backyard.

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