Friday, December 29, 2017

Happy New Year

January 1st obviously ushers in a New Year. It’s a time that many reflect upon their previous accomplishments and failures. Then we look forward vowing to correct or not to repeat our failures. We also plot and plan for the time to come. Each of us has goals and aspirations. We should always strive to achieve them. If you are not moving forward, then it is inevitable that you will become stagnate or worse yet begin to move backwards.

So, after all that reflection, we usually come up with New Year Resolutions. They come in a variety of purposes, personal, family, business and community among them.

  1. Improve physical well being.
  2. Improve mental health.
  3. Improve finances.
  4. Improve career.
  5. Improve knowledge.
  6. Volunteer.
  7. Spend quality time with family and friends.
  8. Be more spiritual.

The following passage was written by Bishop John H. Vincent in 1909. It is appropriate not only on New Years Day but every day of our lives:

I will this day try to live a simple, sincere and serene life. I will repel promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity and self-seeking. I will cultivate cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity and the habit of silence. I will exercise economy in expenditure, carefulness in conversation, diligence in appointed service, fidelity to every trust and a child-like trust in God.”

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The Bane-Clene® Team.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Happy Holidays

The holidays have been in full swing since early December. Many dates are celebrated or commemorated during this month. Naming a few but certainly not all:

  • Kwanzaa A celebration of Family, Community and Culture
  • HanukkahThe celebration of the Jewish Festival of Lights
  • Milad Un Nabi The Muslim culture commemorates the birth of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Christmas Day The Christian culture commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ

However, even if you don’t practice or believe, they all have many points in common. The one we will focus on is that they all promote “Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all”. Once again, no matter what you practice or don’t, if you have not already done so, take a few moments to reflect on that common factor.

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The Bane-Clene® Team

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The Bane-Clene® Team.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Dispatching and Scheduling

Dispatching and Scheduling

With the costs of fuel and maintenance for your vehicles, efficient scheduling will minimize these costs and add to your bottom line. One method that helps is dividing your service area into quadrants.

One Dispatcher Is A Necessity

Whether you are a one or multi-truck operation, one person should handle the scheduling of your service appointments. This will leave little chance for errors or confusion when it comes to dispatching.

Routing Your Work

Routing should be done the night before; this allows a chance to re-evaluate the upcoming days’ work. It also affords an opportunity to make adjustments and therefore maximize your service vehicle(s)’ schedule. Double check the work loads and, if you are a multi-truck operation, make sure no crew is overbooked.

One Truck Operations

While having one truck may seem to make scheduling a no brain-er, there are some things to consider. If possible, only schedule your truck in one quadrant a day. Obviously, traveling from one side of your service area to another each day defeats the idea of minimizing costs. Also, you only make money when that vehicle is cleaning carpet not traveling.

Multi-Truck Operations

Having a multi-truck operation would seem to make scheduling and dispatching easier. While that is true, it also multiplies your daily expenses for travel and maintenance. Whether you have your scheduling on a computer or do it by hand, booking them is the first step to an efficient system. The dispatcher/scheduler should book them originally based upon whatever system you have set up. Once again a quadrant system works well. Then, when it comes time to lay out the actual jobs for that day, they should fit into those quadrants.

Driving Directions And Maps

We always suggest getting either directions or at least main cross street coordinates for your driver(s). This will minimize the time spent in getting to the service location. Google maps can also help but caution them not to look at their phones while they are driving. Also Google maps may not “map” out the most efficient route. Some companies rely on the voice assisted travel instructions available on various phones, but they do have limitations.

The Customer Comes First

This is a major rule for all service companies. Sure, we want to save time and money in our dispatching and scheduling. However, there are times when a customers’ needs outweigh that intention. Never turn down a job because it doesn’t fit into your schedule.

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The Bane-Clene® Team.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Remember Pearl Harbor

That was the battle cry of WW II. President Roosevelt (FDR) said, “Sunday, December 7, 1941, a day that will live in infamy”. Not many are alive who remember that fateful morning when the attack took place on our Pacific Fleet as it lay at anchor. Those who were there will never forget and others will never forget it or where they were when they heard the news.

As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, a thought comes to mind. Will “Remember Pearl Harbor”, “Remember the Maine” and “Remember the Alamo” become forgotten or irrelevant? Not because those that were there or were aware of it are gone. But because they have been relegated to the back pages of History books that are routinely ignored by many schools? Will 9/11 and other recent terrorists events someday join them?

Unfortunately, there has been a tremendous cost in the loss of lives in these tragic events. Thank God for our brave troops and first responders who have been involved in them. In this land of plenty and freedoms, with all our problems, people still yearn to come to live here. But remember “Freedom is not free”.

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The Bane-Clene® Team.

Friday, December 01, 2017


Owning a small business affords us opportunities that working for someone may not. While we are blessed, we must also be diligent to protect these opportunities.

So, with that in mind, we offer an outline of objectives, goals and suggestions.

A. What are the Objectives of a Small Business.

  1. Build a profitable business entity with minimal exposure of risk capital.
  2. Improve lifestyle for you, your family and your employees.
  3. Provide higher education opportunities for your children.
  4. Build financial security for retirement.

B. There will be needs for Debt but establish Acceptable Amounts to manage.
Some of these are:

  1. Building
  2. Equipment
  3. Vehicles
  4. Office Technology

C. Goals

  1. Once again, keep long term debt to an acceptable level.
  2. Establish an IRA or other retirement fund.
  3. Set up Cash Reserves (rainy day fund).
  4. Use excess capital to pay down any contract debt.

D. Ways to Accomplish your Business Objectives and Goals.

  1. Practice prudent purchasing and budget habits.
  2. Avoid exotic and or expensive vacations.
  3. Be as productive as possible during business hours.

E. Mottoes to Live By.

  1. “You cannot go broke if you do not owe anyone.”
  2. “It’s not how much money you make in your lifetime that matters; it’s what you do with it afterwards.”

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Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at

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The Bane-Clene® Team.