Friday, September 23, 2022


Image of Supervisors

Supervisors are not only in charge of a number of people but they also need to be in charge of their personal feelings.

Supervisors are only human; they have likes and dislikes the same as others. But good Supervisors know how not to let their feelings show (which is not always easy) or let those feelings affect the way they operate and treat others.

If people feel the boss is treating them or others unfairly or unevenly, then their performance will suffer. People work best when they feel get the same treatment as everyone else. Also, morale will be low when people are subject to the personal whims of their boss.

Good Supervisors should adhere to these basic principles:

  1. Try to rotate jobs so that some people don't get all the good assignments and others all the bad ones.
  2. Don’t make one or a few employees the favorites.
  3. Reward employees based upon merit and their job performance.
  4. Do not pit an employee against another employee. While competition is good, head-to-head rivalries can easily cause friction and bitterness and dissension among the rest of the employees.
  5. Teamwork achieves far better and greater results than head to head competitiveness.

Supervisors should strive to treat everyone equally regardless of their personal feelings.

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