We always approach every customer about having carpet protector applied after cleaning. Many times, someone who we have not cleaned their carpet before, has a negative response. They reply, “The last time I had it done, it did not work,” or “I could not tell that it did any good”, or “It made my carpets sticky”. Our response is that we stand behind our work and our products are all time tested and effective.
A happy customer will call us again. Carpet protector allows them to enjoy a cleaner carpet for a longer period of time. An added benefit to us is that the carpet protector makes it easier to clean their carpets when we return.
We offer different carpet protectors depending on the situation. Bane-Guard™ and Sta-Clene®
are our two most popular brands. We also offer Teflon®. When you sell a carpet protector that requires mixing with water, be sure to mix it properly. Always apply any carpet protector according to all the directions.
Related information on the Bane-Clene web site:
- Bane-Guard™
- Carpet protectors
- How to Sell Carpet protectors
- Resoiling after Carpet Cleaning
- Sta-Clene®
- Teflon®
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Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at www.baneclene.com/publications/.
Please visit our new and improved web site at www.baneclene.com.
The Bane-Clene® Team.