Friday, June 26, 2020


When making a presentation for your service to a prospective customer, what is more important - emotion or logic? Remember this, you must make them want your service as well as need it.

How will your service satisfy the prospect emotionally? Emotions may seem far removed from what you are selling, but try to find a way to bring them into the picture. Maybe the prospect is having a party at their home. Maybe they are a branch manager and the bosses from corporate are coming for a visit. Whatever the reason, you want to sell the emotion that clean and fresh carpet and furnishings will enhance their home or office. This emotion is the key much more so than logic. Use all the logic you can, but use it to show your prospect that your service will satisfy their desire and give them the end result they are looking to attain.

If you create the proper emotion, then your company will become the logical choice.

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