Ben (printing press) Bernanke and Tim (turbo tax) Geithner hint that they'll minister to the big New York money interests again. Word has it they're ready to instigate another round of "QE" to alleviate the malady known as the market and its contingent dangers to the financial industry.
They'll print money to buy bonds and pay interest on the massive debt owed to the money lenders who got in trouble by bundling derivatives. These obligations were forced on them by the government in their haste to have everyone own a home even if they couldn't afford one.
The "QE" that the Federal Reserve Czar talks about, means "Quantitative Easing." I have a better interpretation. "QE" means "Quick Erosion" of savings accounts, spending money and home values. QE is a ticket to inflation and loss of value in everything we own.
If you have a strong stomach click on the national debt clock. It took the Romans 500 years for decadence, over indulgence and greed to do them in. Since we have fast planes, fast cars, fast computers and live life in the fast lane, we might make it in half that time:
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