Friday, November 01, 2013

More e-mails on "CRI"

Remember a few years ago when CRI was such a hot issue? In researching an article recently I came across more than 200 e-mails that were sent to me at the time and in re-reading them I found them interesting and still pertinent in some cases. There were so many I'll just publish a few of them occasionally. Here's today's batch:

"CRI withdrew its XRF test from ASTM standard consideration when the ASTM scientists submitted a list of written questions. CRI chose to withdraw rather than answer the
technical questions at the ASTM meeting in April, '08."

"The vast majority of carpet warranties have already been VOIDED long before we showed up. The main reason ? The carpet was never correctly installed as per CRI installation standard 104/105. In the last 15 years I have never had anyone ever ask me about their warranty."

"What you have is Green Seal backing away from CRI because CRI wants to distance itself from Green Seal so they can come up with their own standard and shut Green Seal out. Gee would you think the troops at CRI would ever do something to be so self serving? AT the same time Green Seal is no better in its hopes to dominate the Green Market. In the end they each will have to Kiss up to USGBC (United States Green Building Council) because the LEED program drives Green, not one industry like carpet makers or Juice Producers."

"I remain troubled by the "Certified Space Technology" position that is achieved by paying for the "top position", which is not explained in the rankings. It's of interest that this "top billing" was only paid for by franchise organizations."

"When independents get wise to CRI and IICRC plans for dominance, the whole picture will change. Remember the DuPont Stainmaster debacle with Stanley Steemer? When the word gets out us grunts will boycott them. Let the frannies do the work if they can and I know they can't."

"Platinum rating sounds like something the government would invent. Instead of what comes after a trillion, the CRI will be asking, what comes after platinum?"

"Nice to see the CRI and Shaw raising the bar. Mighty Pack by Rug Doctor. Wow, I didn't see that coming and ChemWhoo, too. There is nothing like a little cash to move things along."

PS: It took ten years to sign up the first 1,000 CSPs (Certified Service Providers). In just two years that number shrank to 809. Most CSPs are franchises because independent professional cleaners have resoundingly rejected the program. Even the supporting franchise operators are reluctant to advertise the CRI/SOA, probably because of its love affair with DIY.

PPS: I don't know what the guy who wrote the second from last e-mail knew about our current healthcare situation, but did you notice the comment about "Platinum?" Maybe he's clairvoyant because that e-mail was written several years ago. Or maybe the bureaucrats in Dalton are ahead of those in Washington. Notice the ratings ... Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.