Friday, July 10, 2020


Customer Relations is sometimes what you do and sometimes it’s what you don’t do.

We recently booked a carpet cleaning job for a new customer. As a matter of office procedure we always ask a customer how they chose to Call Us On The Carpet®.

She related the following story to our phone representative. Seems she was running some errands before she was due at an appointment for lunch. As she was driving to the luncheon appointment, she was stuck in a line of traffic waiting to enter the restaurant’s parking lot. Several vehicles inched forward and did not allow her to turn. There was a Carpet Cleaners Truck that stopped and let her turn into the parking lot. She went on to state that it was one of the Wm. F. Bane’s Co. service vans that allowed her to turn. What seemed like a simple and basically innocuous gesture had turned into a carpet cleaning job for us.

Obviously, the moral of this story is you and your employees are ambassadors for your Company. Certainly everyone is courteous when they are in the customer’s premises. But as highlighted with this story, being courteous everywhere will possibly lead to business. Conversely it will divert business if you or your employees are discourteous.

Customer Relationscan and will manifest itself in many different ways. In this case it was a courteous driver. Had our driver not let her turn in, we feel, she would not have called Bane On The Carpet®.

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