If you have been selling products or services for some time, it is only natural that your presentation may become stale or outdated or both. What you may need is a fresh approach. One way to achieve that is to meet with your associates and ask them for ideas and suggestions. Then, ask them what they would say, if they were making a similar presentation. When we own or manage a company, we may put on blinders and only see our ideas and fail to acknowledge the ideas of others. A meeting with others could open a plethora of ideas you may never have thought of. When arranging the meeting let everyone know of your reason so they may come prepared with suggestions and ideas. Hopefully, this meeting will be beneficial in many ways and lead to regular meetings and a fresh approach for everyone. Related Articles:Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at www.baneclene.com/publications/. Please visit our web site at www.baneclene.com. The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
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