These are two of the biggest issues for any Company. Obviously it may be worse in a small Company because there are fewer employees to pick up the slack. However, it still causes headaches in all size of companies. When employees are late or absent, adjustments must be made to schedules at the last minute. These changes are potentially costly and inefficient. While lateness and absenteeism are inevitable, there are tactics that can be done to minimize the problem. Be sure all personnel appreciate and understand the problems lateness and absenteeism create. Impress upon them that these actions affect the entire team. When anyone is late or absent, they are letting the others down. Impress upon each person how much they are counted on as a team member. People who feel appreciated and wanted are less apt to be late or absent. Whatever position you hold in a Company, whether it be the owner, manager or supervisor, it is imperative you practice what you preach. Regular hours set a good example for everyone. Also, all employees should be treated equally. Don’t allow someone to circumvent the “rules” because they are considered more valuable. This will backfire. Everyone feels better about complying when they know everyone is being treated equally. If excessive lateness and absenteeism continue to be an issue, then look for reasons. Do employees feel that they are unchallenged or the job is boring? Look into ways to minimize or eliminate these or any other reasons. It might be considered naive to think that lateness and absenteeism can be completely eliminated, but it is possible to have an approach that keeps them to a minimum. Doing this will help the Company obtain greater success and better profits. Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
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