In order Bane-Clene® Systems to fully understand how extraction cleaning works, it is necessary to understand what it is you're trying to remove: SOIL.
Soil can be defined as an unwanted substance which detracts from the like-new appearance of a surface.
The purpose of cleaning carpet is to restore this new appearance and also to prolong the life of the carpet.
Soil falls broadly into five major groupings: surface litter, dry dust, grit, wet soils and oily soils.
Surface litter is easily removed. The other soils react differently with the carpeting. Gritty soil (like sand and other abrasives) will get deeply imbedded into the carpet, where they will grind away the life of the fibers. Dust left unattended attract oily soils. Wet soils (spills, stains and mud) change chemically with time to make their removal difficult. Oily soils (like cooking oils, gum, tar, etc.) attract more dust and grit. Bane-Clene® Systems consist of just the right combination of water pressure, water temperature, chemical energy and technique to provide the optimum cleaning of all these types of soil without any harm to the carpet fibers.
See the latest issue of The Clene-Times
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