When you call on customers or prospects, be observant. You may find clues to their personalities that may help you make the sale. Is their desk piled high with work? Don’t stay more than a few minutes if they saw you without an appointment. If you had an appointment, be sure to stay to the allotted time that was discussed. This is very important as we all have had someone say they only want 15 minutes of our time and an hour later they are still there. Observe without staring how their office is decorated. Is it old fashioned, then they may be interested in hearing more about the history of your company. Is their office modern or simplistic, then you should quickly and efficiently get to the highlights of your presentation. These decorations may let you know something of their interests; is it sports, music, cars or something else. Whatever it may be, use your observations as a way to show interest in them and to maintain an engaging atmosphere. If the person you are meeting with starts with small talk or general conversation, then by all means follow their lead. However, if they immediately ask pointed questions about you and your company, then be ready to move right into your presentation. This is a person that likes to get right down to business. They appreciate brevity but they want full details. Once again be observant. These observations may very well lead to more sales. Related Information and Articles:
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