Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How to Remove a Mustard Stain from Carpet with Pro's Choice Stain Magic

How to Remove a Mustard Stain from Carpet

How to remove mustard stains from carpet.

Mustard is considered a dispersed dye and is one of the most difficult stains you will encounter.

INCLUDES Mustard, Curry, Curry Powder, Powdered Spices

Except on olefin, mustard and curry are extremely difficult to totally remove.

  1. Scrape off loose material.
  2. If on 100% olefin, apply undiluted chlorine bleach, agitate, allow to stand 15-20 minutes, and extraction clean.
  3. If 100% solution-dyed nylon, use diluted chlorine bleach, agitate, allow to stand 15-20 minutes and extraction clean the area.
  4. On nylon, steam heat or the Energizer Light for Stain Magic is required with Stain Magic®:
  5. Extraction clean (preferably with water) the spot to remove all surface contamination.
  6. Blot the spot as dry as possible with a dry white clean towel.
  7. Mix equal parts of Solution A and Solution B of Stain Magic in a clean separate container. Mixed solution must be used within five minutes. Do not place mixed solution in a closed container.
  8. Apply the mixed solution to the stain liberally and evenly to wet all the stained fibers and agitate gently. A trigger sprayer works well for this.
    1. Prepare a damp white towel and wring out until moderately damp and cover the stain with the damp towel. Apply steam heat to the towel for 1 - 3 minutes, using a steam iron filled with water and set at the lowest setting.
    3. Because of its low melting point, do not use an iron on olefin.
    4. Apply the iron directly over the towel covering the stain. Check the stain once 15 seconds. When the stain disappears, discontinue heat and remove the iron and the towel. Be alert for fibers that are not colorfast - if you see color loss, discontinue the heat immediately!
    1. Saturate stain with the mixed Stain Magic solution.
    2. Cover stain with the Energizer Light.
    3. Allow the lamp to dwell for time required causing the stain to disappear. This time will vary from 30 minutes to 6 hours depending on severity of stain.
    4. Extraction rinse the treated area to remove any residue and dry thoroughly.
    5. If a heavy spill, use Stain Blotter absorbent powder to prevent wicking. The customer can vacuum up the Stain Blotter the next day.

Want more spot and stain removal tips?

FREE class by Pro's Choice covers the basics of stain removal from carpets in the morning and Pet Stains and Odor Control in the afternoon!

Give yourself an advantage over your competition!

Friday October 11, 2019 at the

Bane-Clene® Training Center

3940 N. Keystone Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 46205


Call TODAY to register!

The morning spotting class is taught using lecture and Power Point presentation. The instructor will cover the basics and advanced techniques of stain removal. Class includes hands-on demonstrations.

The morning spotting class is split into 4 basic categories:

  1. Synthetic Food Dyes: Stains containing man made dye - Examples: Kool-Aid®, Fruit Punch, Colored Candy, Cough Syrup, etc.
  2. Organic Stains: Stains from a natural source - Examples: Wood Furniture, Mustard, Coffee, Mold, Tea, Urine, etc.
  3. Petroleum based Stains: Petroleum Derivative - Examples: Gum, Grease, Tar, Ink, Adhesive, Glue, etc.
  4. Protein based stains (Biological): Stains originating from body secretion - Examples: Vomit, Blood, Feces, Urine, etc.

This class also covers more advanced topics like combination stains, bleach spot repair and reappearing stains.

To register....Call Toll-Free....800 428 9512


Pro's Choice Spot and Stain Removal Products Covered Include:

The afternoon class covers the basics of pet odor identification, mapping, estimating and treatment.

This session covers advanced topics of Odor Control and troubleshoots common challenges in addressing pet odors in the field as well as treating urine contamination on natural fibers.

Pro's Choice Odor Control Products Covered Include:

Related Odor Control Deodorizer Information:

Bane-Clene Pros Choice Spotting Class

Related Spot and Stain Removal Products (Links Open to the Bane-Clene Store in Separate Windows):

Bane-Clene Logo

Copyright: Bane-Clene® Corp.

Date Modified: September 11, 2019

Date Published: September 11, 2019

VIDEO: How to Use Stain Magic to Remove Organic Stains and Disperse Dye Stains such as Mustard and Curry from Carpet

Presentation at a Bane-Clene training class by Bane-Clene’s chemist on Using Stain Magic to Remove Stains like Mustard, Wine, Juice, Wood Furniture Stain, etc. from Carpet.

Free Bane-Clene Information Package

Bane-Clene Paper CatalogFree packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail.

You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.

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