Have you ever thought about asking your customers for advice, opinions or help? If done sincerely, this is a way to strengthen your relationship with them. Just be sure your request is easy enough to fulfill and not an imposition. For example, don’t ask a Doctor about something bothering you and then go to someone else. The same holds true with lawyers, accountants and other professionals. What we are talking about, for example, is advice on buying a car, a restaurant for dining or something to help your golf game if you play. People generally like to give or share. It shows you respect their knowledge and opinion. We obviously cannot be expert in all fields. Also consider this, people may be wary of someone who appears to be too self-sufficient and possibly a know-it-all. Once again, the important thing is it must be done sincerely. Don’t use it as a gimmick or a come on. Must people will see right through you. Related Articles and Information:
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