The prosperity of future generations depends on the sacrifice made by the current generation. What has been done for generations before us is the opening of eyes to possibilities and the potential to build a strong economy and therefore a strong nation. None of this is free and obviously without sacrifice. Each generation has plotted and planned and laid a ground work that current and future generations could benefit from. If an entire generation thinks only of itself, what will be left? Even if that generation will not be around to benefit, they must plant the seeds that will bear fruit for future generations. This “planting” can be difficult depending on current situations. War, political strife, economic conditions and many other factors will have their affect. Each generation has and will face these situations. Which then tests their drive and determination and defines the poignant meaning of sacrifice. Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail. You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.