Many bosses, managers or supervisors have this idea that they have to do all the thinking. Too often, they feel that those that work for them are just supposed to do what they are told. This is a very impractical idea, it is one that wastes creative thinking, practical experience and will ultimately affect morale. If a boss is tackling an issue of which they are not completely familiar or lack hands-on experience, then asking questions or opinions of their employees is good thinking. Most workers will gladly provide input and suggestions. This has the multiple effect of making the employee feel appreciated and giving the boss alternative ideas. The boss should listen, think it over and then move forward. Listening to your employees is an ideal way to stimulate your own thinking. Seeking advice and input is an excellent way to build a thinking, cooperating company. Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail. You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.