Never, Never, Never when making an excuse say you have been busy. Customers don’t want to hear that. It implies that they are low on your priority list and you are not concerned about them. For example your running late for their appointment, you should say that you were unavoidably detained and you are terribly sorry. If asked for what detained you, it might be better to state that your last appointment took longer than anticipated. Assure them that when you arrive you will devote the time necessary to fulfill your commitment to them. You should also apologize for any inconvenience this has caused them. Above all do not make feeble excuses such as traffic was terrible, I had a flat tire, the truck broke down, etc. Customers will see right through them for what they are. Accordingly they don’t want to hear the details of your issues. They are only concerned with their issues. Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail. You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Can a question become a quest and therefore spawn an answer? Does a question become a seed for creativity? Does a child’s innocent question state the obvious or raise a philosophical debate? Perhaps a question is a combination of all of these. Where would we be today if the great minds, inventors and explorers had not had a question? Perhaps many of their questions were ridiculed and labeled absurd and unattainable. Thankfully that did not stop them and they persevered. To that end we have medicines, inventions and a myriad of other questions turned into ideas and finally discoveries that have benefited mankind through the ages. While we all won’t possibly ever match the magnitude of the aforementioned accomplishments, we can still ask questions. Ask questions by focusing on matters that affect your life, your work and the everyday actions and situations in your life. Do not automatically decide whether the question bares merit or is ridiculous. Just asking yourself will begin a process. The next step will be to pose your question to your family, friends or co-workers depending on who might benefit from your question and subsequent answer. After gauging their reaction and receiving input, advise and even debate, this will hopefully give you the encouragement to continue your quest for an answer to your question. There’s an often repeated adage that the only stupid question is the one never asked. Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail. You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
No matter the vocation or profession, the proper tools will bring success. Watching a professional painter, you quickly realize that they do not use an inexpensive paintbrush. Such inferior equipment, in addition to taking too long, not carrying enough paint and wearing out quickly, produces generally unsatisfactory work. Professional carpenters use heavy duty saws, hammers, etc and always have extra blades and back-up tools with them. You don’t see a farmer plowing 150 acres with a tractor that was purchased at a big box store. The tractors, combines and other tools they use get the job done efficiently and quickly. Professional athletes use the best equipment available and take advantage of constant coaching to attain and then remain on top of their game. The coach’s task is to observe and instruct, all the while keeping abreast of the latest developments in the sport. There are golfers who go out every weekend and “practice to be bad”. They may have professional tools, but instead of seeking advice and coaching from the club professional, they blame their poor play on the wind, the course and even the caddie! To be a real winner and achieve success in any chosen profession or field of endeavor, one must use the best equipment and techniques available. They should seek good coaching, schooling and instruction. Use the proper tools and take advantage of learning from professionals who are winners. Never take advice from losers! Related Articles and Information:
Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail. You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.
Thursday, March 09, 2023
What is healthy? Dictionaries define healthy as being in good health, being well, feeling good, etc. That definition would presumably relate to a healthy body. Which, while not easy to maintain, doing things like eating right, getting moderate exercise and watching the consumption of alcohol among other things will make the maintenance of a healthy body less difficult. Additionally there are other elements that should be healthy. What about the mind and spirit? A healthy mind is important and probably the easiest to maintain but vitally important because it combines and works together with the body and spirit. Which brings us to the last part of this healthy equation, the spirit. It might be the hardest part to maintain. People get sad, depressed, overwhelmed, etc. All of these can affect the mind and then the body. So here are some simple things to help one’s spirit and keep it healthy and therefore ultimately affect the mind and body. Hugging helps the body and mind. It keeps you healthier, lessens depression, reduces stress, helps sleep patterns. It is invigorating and rejuvenating, plus it takes little or no effort. Smiling reduces stress that may exist in your body and mind. It is said that smiling can trick your brain into happiness. A smile😊 is a frown🙁right side up. Did you smile? If you did then you automatically feel better. Laughter is said to be the best medicine. It is the manifestation of joy and delight. Laughter can decrease stress. It triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good medicine. In these trying times, any and all things you can do to stay healthy will certainly benefit you. Now, if only the economy would get healthy that would certainly make us all feel better. Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail. You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.
Thursday, March 02, 2023
There are many theories, views or premises of advertising depending on whom you talk to or whom you are paying for their expertise. The bottom line is What does your advertising say? Is it hard sell or soft sell or is it subtle? Whatever methodology you are using, you need to know and understand your market. What are the demographics, potential market share and size of your market? These are just a few of the parameters that figure into the equation. Mostly you need to understand your potential customers needs and what motivates them to purchase to be effective. Once this has been established, then where are you going to invest your advertising dollars? Just spending money does not guarantee a return on investment and consequentially success of your advertising program. TV and radio advertising is typically dominated by those with a large advertising budget, therefore they may not be practical for a small or mid-size business. Print advertising has had its day but is now overshadowed by digital advertising. That said, depending on your market (whom you are trying to reach), print may still offer an effective return on investment don’t overlook it. Digital advertising through Google is tough unless you have a substantial amount of money to invest to try to dominate your market. A potential alternative which would require less money is through Social Media platforms. So What does your Advertising Say? Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail. You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.