Congratulations to Sam & Gaye Levine, owners of G. Fried Carpet & Design of Paramus, N.J., a Bane-Clene® customer for fourteen years. G. Fried is collaborating with CFA (Center for Food Action of Englewood, NJ) to sponsor a food drive.
G. Fried has been in business for 35 years and is sponsoring the event as a way of giving back to a community that had been so good to them. Donated food is given to help feed those hurt by the bad economy, needy children and seniors struggling on fixed incomes.
Their cleaning division is offering a 20% discount for on-location carpet cleaning and 10% on area rugs and their carpet store will give a 5% discount on purchases for those who drop off food. If you're in that area Call 201 967 1250 for store hours and a list of food they need.
©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.
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