Dan Willis, manager of our service company, called me about a trade magazine Q&A on the cost of maintaining carpet in schools. Apparently none of those asking the questions were around in the late '90s when CRI took on a project of carpeting and maintaining the Charles E. Young School in Washington DC. Carpet, installation and maintenance for a year were donated.
If you still have the fall, 1999 issue of our Cleaning Digest® there is a story about Bane-Clene's participation in the project. It has the complete cost analysis of maintenance labor and material for the full year along with eye-opening comments by Ron Rhine, who did the work.
This issue is not on line. I'll try to get it posted soon on the Digest site. But the Winter issue of 2005, also has an article about cleaning carpets in schools and the Charles E. Young School project is mentioned, even though not in great detail. It is on line at:
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