Caring Bosses are like good mechanics specializing in people. A good mechanic doesn’t wait for their equipment to break down before they repair it. Instead, they keep it well maintained and working efficiently. Therefore, Caring Bosses know how to keep people energized and working effectively. They are always alert for signs of trouble or strain. They will notice when someone is not doing their job correctly. They will work with them before the situation becomes a serious problem that might affect the Company or others. People need attention the way equipment needs to be maintained. This attention should be systematic and done periodically through performance reviews or general observation. Attention makes people feel needed and appreciated. It will help them work to their potential and get more satisfaction from their work. When things are running smoothly, some bosses have a tendency to relax and ignore people. That is obviously the time problems are more than likely to develop. To say that Caring Bosses can never relax is not true; however, they should stay observant. Caring Bosses become Smart Bosses when they appreciate that fact every day. Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
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