In business, it is important to gain the confidence of your potential clientele. If you can achieve that confidence, then you should have little difficulty in gaining their patronage and loyalty. You should work to inspire your entire work force with the proper spirit of customer service, integrity and enthusiasm. You will want to advertise your services and or products with those attributes in mind. Treat your clientele as you would guests in your home or office. If you are in their home or office you are their guests, great care should be given to respect and recognize that fact. Give your clientele all you can fairly and you should receive the same from them. The quality of your service or products should remain far longer than the price paid. That premise should allow your business to prosper and therefore be successful and gain confidence. Thank you for reading Bane’s Blog® Please read the latest issue of the Clene-Times® at Please visit our web site at The Bane-Clene® Team. Free Bane-Clene Information Package
Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail. You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.