Monday, December 31, 2012

In a nutshell

The shocking murders of those beautiful little children and their teachers in Connecticut have caused some serious discussions about our society. Liberals blame the atrocity on guns and strive for stricter gun control laws. More conservative citizens blame societal changes. Both are right. I've carried a weapon since I joined the Marines in 1944 at the age of seventeen. Seven years in the Marine Corps, fourteen years with an armored car company and a lifetime license to carry firearms have never caused me to violate the law.

The problem is too many nut cases have access to military style weapons and ammunition. If you don't think there is a general dumbing down of our population, watch You Tube or America's Funniest Videos for an hour. The worse the accident, the louder the audience laughs. A growing number of people are strange to say the least. Between gruesome video games, horrible movies and rotten television programs, our very young are being systematically corrupted. Until this changes there will be more of those horrible incidents.

One of the most appropriate e-mails I've received about this tragedy sums it up in a nutshell:

Dear God,
How could you allow this kind of violence to happen in our schools?
     A concerned citizen

Dear concerned citizen,
Don't you remember? I'm not allowed in your schools.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Political e-mails still coming

The election of Mitt Romney as President of the United States was not lost on November 6, it was lost last spring when the other GOP candidates ignored Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment and literally tore Romney limb from limb in their efforts to be nominated. All the Democrats had to do was take notes for their campaign. Romney was so denigrated it took him until the last couple of weeks of his campaign to right the ship.

All of this talk about changing the party, enlarging the platform and making a bigger tent so more people can get in is hogwash. Republicans will never win again until they learn from Ronald Reagan not to demean one another and to stick by their basic principles instead of trying to become another democratic party.
Ted Shipley.

Good analogy Ted! I couldn't have said it any better than that. This is just one of many e-mails I have from folks who are very disappointed with the election results and the commiserating by so-called leaders of the Republican party. As a conservative I usually vote with the party because it's closest to the principles I believe in. Hang in there Ted. I think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Let's pray I'm wrong.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

E-mail from a long-time customer

My name is Doug Massena, and my carpet cleaning business has been a customer of yours since we bought a new System 5 back in 1979. I was just 19 years old and was helping my dad, who has since passed away, on jobs while attending college.

On October 25th we reached our 40th anniversary and I still turn out a decent living in spite of our particularly depressed economy here in Las Vegas. I’m proud of the fact that we haven’t had to advertise since the summer of 1986. Nearly all of my business is repeat or word of mouth. In the last 15 years I have been picking up more and more business from some very wealthy people, including one multi billionaire, and have even been cleaning private jets and one home with wall to wall silk carpet!

When I hear Zerorez® commercials on the radio saying that ALL other carpet cleaners are leaving dirt attracting residue in the carpets they clean, and that only Zerorez can thoroughly clean these carpets, and that everybody else is incompetent, I understandably get upset. While it’s true that I am leaving a trace amount of diluted PCA 5 in my customers’ carpets, you and I know that this amount has been proven to not attract any more soil than a carpet cleaned with plain water! If you go to their web site, they say that ALL other carpet cleaners saturate the carpet backing and pad with excessive amounts of water. Bane Clene® operators never do this!

I have a very strong and loyal customer base, but these misleading ads could possibly cut down on potential new business. I would think that other Bane Clene operators would be of a like mind on this issue. I guess I wouldn’t mind if they were accusing an unspecified number of carpet cleaners as being no good, but they chose to accuse everybody! Am I right on this, or should I just ignore the whole thing?

Thanks for writing Doug and may you and your family have a happy and prosperous New Year. While 1979 seems like just the other day when you get to be my age, that is a long time in business. Congratulations on your 40th anniversary, and I'm very sorry to hear about your dad.

Bogus competitor claims annoy me, too. But it's a fact of life and over the years we've learned to ignore them. If you keep on doing what you're doing and concentrate on every customer as if they were your only one, you'll find the blowhard advertisers either blow away or grow up.

Most important, don't waste good advertising dollars defending against their bogus claims. I know folks from CRI read this blog and hope they will eventually learn that it is this kind of advertising that is killing carpet sales. It's not cleaners, chemicals or the quality of the carpet.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Blessed day tomorrow

What do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and a partridge in a pear tree have to do with Christmas? From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. This carol was written as a catechism lesson with two levels of meaning. There is the surface meaning which in musical form is easy to memorize. And there is a hidden meaning known only to members of the church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality that's easy for children to remember.

"The Twelve Days of Christmas"

The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.

Two turtledoves were the Old and New Testaments .

Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.

Four calling birds were the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

Five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.

Six geese a laying stood for the six days of creation.

Seven swans a swimming represented the seven fold gifts of the Holy Spirit Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.

Eight maids a milking were the eight beatitudes.

Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

Ten lords a leaping were the Ten Commandments.

Eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.

Twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in The Apostles' Creed.

On this day before one of the most sacred holidays in the Christian world, may I make this wish for everyone on behalf of all of us at Bane-Clene.
May you have a happy and blessed Christmas.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Unusual month

Thousands of years ago the Mayan calendar predicted that our world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. That's today! They didn't say what time, but given the fact that they were pretty close on the lunar cycle, it’s just possible they might have this end of the world thing right. Remember the Y2K fiasco? It didn't happen. Let's hope this won't either.

This unusual December has five Saturdays, five Sundays and five Mondays. I wasn't around the last time to verify this, but supposedly it only happens once every 824 years. And then there is the fiscal cliff fiasco facing us. We've been bombarded by the media that we're about to plunge into a bottomless ibis of financial ruin that will happen at the end of December.

I'm writing this on December 8th and putting it into my blog rotation to publish on the 21st, just in case. If you're reading this today, the stuff obviously didn't hit the fan.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Year-end tips

Time is running out to take advantage of tax deductions. For example there may be as much as a $9,600.00 deduction if you hire a veteran before the end of the year. There could be a lot more, too. As with all accounting and tax matters, be sure to discuss them with your CPA.

In getting ready for next year, maybe you should consider offering fringe benefits instead of pay raises to help reduce your tax burden. Also be sure to ask employees to review their exemptions and complete new W4 Forms which will be required Feb. 18, 2013.

Of course this all depends on us still being here for next year. Read the blog I'll post on Friday the 21st of December for more information.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

This is a scam

If you get an e-mail like this, delete it. Do not open an attachment, print a copy or click on a link to answer it or see what the alleged problem might be. I have verified this information with the CIBBB. Similar e-mails are being sent in the name of local BBBs, the IRS, Angie's List® and various Chambers of Commerce. Delete and disregard this type of message!

FW:Case #25005746
From: Better Business Bureau <>
     The Better Business Bureau has received the above referenced complaint from one of your customers regarding their dealings with you. The details of the consumer's concern are included on the reverse. Please review this matter and advise us of your position. As a neutral third party, the Better Business Bureau can help to resolve the matter. Often complaints are a result of misunderstandings a company wants to know about and correct.
     In the interest of time and good customer relations, please provide the BBB with written verification of your position in this matter by December 20, 2012. Your prompt response will allow BBB to be of service to you and your customer in reaching a mutually agreeable resolution. Please inform us if you have contacted your customer directly and already resolved this matter.
     The Better Business Bureau develops and maintains Reliability Reports on companies across the United States and Canada . This information is available to the public and is frequently used by potential customers. Your cooperation in responding to this complaint becomes a permanent part of your file with the Better Business Bureau. Failure to promptly give attention to this matter may be reflected in the report we give to consumers about your company. We encourage you to print this complaint (attached file), answer the questions and respond to us. We look forward to your prompt attention to this matter.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

More on bananas

A banana is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. Bananas might be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time!

The expression "going bananas" is from the effects of bananas on the brain. Bananas contain three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy and can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent illnesses and conditions such as Stress.

Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance.. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be re-balanced with the help of a high potassium banana snack.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tips for Increasing Your Business

  • Practice selling techniques. Look at yourself in the mirror as you make your presentation.
  • If you won’t buy what you’re saying, neither will your prospect.
  • Ask questions of prospects and then keep quiet and let them answer.
  • Learn something from every single presentation you make.
  • Be sure your rolling billboard (truck) is clean, neat and well marked!

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Worth repeating

Remember that giant sucking sound?

Ross Perot made it famous in 1992. Since then, millions of jobs have fled the country and twelve million illegal immigrants have taken their place. Announced inflation is under 3%, but nearly everything I buy seems to cost a whole lot more than it did the last time. Property taxes on my home went up more than 40% last year. Truck prices increased more than 1,000% in the last four decades and gasoline....well! But "they" say we don't have serious inflation.

In 1988, I read The Shadows of Power* by James Perloff. It was a book about war, banking, politics, greed, influence and especially the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), a devoted proponent of one-world government. Perloff took a hard look at the history of CFR and supplied references for every allegation he made. He did a detailed expose' on the financiers of the wars of the 20th century. Viet Nam vets may be surprised, maybe even shocked, by the source of some of the financing for the North Vietnamese army.

Today there is the fading economy, financial turmoil, the housing debacle, antics of the Federal Reserve Board, illegal immigration, high fuel prices and tax rebates for people who don't pay taxes. Add corporate welfare, China, India and the general situation in the Middle East and they all seem to say Mr. Perloff was right in his assessment of the "Establishment" (CFR). He says they don't care which party is in power. If you look at the credentials on both sides they likely include being a member of CFR.

This book was never very popular because most people don't like the truth. It's not an easy read and can even be a little depressing. But, if you really want to understand why politics, the economy and our society are all heading in the direction they are, then this is a must read.

*Published by Western Islands, Appleton, Wisconsin ISBN 0-88279-134-6. The book is available, new and used, on and through most book stores.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Friday, December 07, 2012

Remember Pearl Harbor

That was the battle cry of WWII. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "Sunday, December 7, 1941, a day that will live in infamy..." Not many are alive who remember that fateful Sunday morning when the dastardly attack took place on our Pacific Fleet as it lay at anchor. Those who were, will never forget it or where they were when they heard the news.

I believe there are only four Pearl Harbor survivors still living in the Islands and not many in the rest of the United States. "Remember the Alamo" and "Remember the Maine" are slogans that would never be forgotten, but now are relegated to tattered history books that are routinely ignored by many teachers.

Pacific Historic Parks has been organized to maintain and promote the Arizona Memorial at Pearl and at locations at Kalaupapa, Guam and Saipan in the Marina Islands where I served. This non profit group is taking the place of all those veterans who acted as historians to help preserve the memory. As a visitor, I know I enjoyed their first-hand reports.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Thank God for the brave troops who protect our freedom today and for the first responders who protect us in this land of plenty. With all of our problems, people still want to come to the United States legally or illegally. But, remember, "Freedom is not free!"

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Be Positive

Starting a conversation with a negative statement will probably offend a customer. An example: promise to be there as soon as possible, instead of saying "There is no way I can take care of your job for at least a week." Scheduling a service trip without having to call back removes doubt from the customer's mind about your interest in working for them. Try to get it done then.

Slang or technical terms that the customer may not appreciate or understand could cause the customer to feel uncomfortable not knowing exactly what was being promised. Hearing a cheerful voice and definite information regarding their wishes sets the tone for a good business relationship and resultant repeat and referral business.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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Monday, December 03, 2012


Does anyone remember the old "payola" scandal of the '50s? Disk jockeys were paid to play certain tunes to make them seem more popular than they really were. Several people went to prison over those scams. Today, the golf industry has taken payola to new heights with spiffs from manufacturers to professionals and obviously to some media folks.

Here's how it works in private business. A new manager took over a shipping department and found the previous manager had been receiving payola from several truck lines whose sales reps had taken his predecessor to lunch regularly. In return he favored all of them with business instead of concentrating on a few to gain maximum discounts for his company.

Check out a doctor's office about lunch time and watch pharmaceutical reps haul food in to feed the office staff. Somebody has to pay for all of that expensive advertising the pill pushers do. The rising cost of gasoline, taxes and food are not the only factors contributing to the current outburst of inflation. Old fashioned payola is taking its toll, too.

Receptionists and purchasing agents are treated to spiffs in spite of rules most companies have to prevent such hanky panky. Payola is a big problem for small business because the cost is passed along in the form of higher prices. I forgot! The Fed says there is only 2% inflation. If Mr. Bernanke said it, it must be true.

©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2012 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.

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