Remember a couple of years ago when the CRI was the hot issue? In researching an article recently I came across more than 200 e-mails that were sent to me at the time and in re-reading them I found the comments interesting and still pertinent in some cases. There were so many I'll occasionally publish just a few of them at a time. Here's today's batch:
" I find myself struggling to understand why there are these different levels; "bronze, silver, gold, and now platinum."
"If the carpet manufacturer insists on SOA equipment but does not designate a specific level of machine performance, what then is the purpose for listing these items at these differing levels, and how does this benefit the consumer?"
"How important is it to you that the cleaning chemicals you purchase have the Seal of Approval? I was one of the first to jump on board with SOA. Apparently, ICS Magazine does not feel that it is important enough to even warrant inclusion in its latest survey."
" I have not liked the SOA program from the beginning and like it even less now. This is worse than the Masterseries calamity that scared the $xxx out of us and it was nothing."
" I have not heard of anyone who puts an ounce of credence in virtually anything that comes out of the CRI. Except of course those who have some way of monetarily benefiting from it."
"It's not important to me or my customer that a manufacturer paid to get a logo on the bottle or the machine. It is important to me and my customer that I show up on time and do a good job."
©Bane-Clene® Corporation 2013 Reprinting or electronically publishing this article is strictly prohibited without permission from Bane-Clene Corp.
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