About once a month I look at web sites that advertise used Truck-Mounts for sale. It helps me stay abreast of our market and to clarify current economic trends. Ever since fuel prices went berserk a few years ago hundreds of gasoline and diesel powered units from well-known manufacturers began appearing for sale on these sites.
Besides confirming high fuel prices and a bad economy, there is a rewarding aspect for Bane- Clene. Our used systems are in high demand and requests for them have increased. Bane-Clene units 10, 20 and even 30 years old are snapped up and put into service. Recognizing this trend, Don Bane began buying and refurbishing our used systems several years ago.
I've never advertised anything for anyone on this Blog. But Lo and behold! The other day when I looked at one popular used equipment site there was one of ours, all alone with page after page of those petroleum-guzzlers and I felt sorry for it. Here's the ad. Please call the owner direct. Don't call us. We're NOT responsible for the condition of the unit or any provisions of the sale.
Beautiful blue one ton 350 engine Chevy van (1997) with 1997 Bane permamount deluxe Electric truckmount in EXCELLENT shape. Built-in aluminum cleaning & storage racks. 120 gallon Stainless steel solution & waste tanks. 3 Electric reels. Great starter or second van, ready to go. In my 28 years in the business I've used it "all" and I MUCH prefer this electric unit and lower maintenance costs. One owner, one driver, garaged at night. Plenty of power for large homes and commercial work. * Location Ocoee, Tennessee * Call Bob at 423-322-8583. $6,500.
P. S. Happy Birthday to a very special little person, on her very special day!